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The "Ruckus Rave" Draws Energetic Audience


Purple lights flashed around the Merkert Gymnasium as the members of Ruckus were greeted by deafening applause from the audience as the spring performance started.


“We put in so much time and energy towards this performance and everyone gave it their all! I loved how the decor really brought the “ruckus rave” energy to the venue,” Ruckus Treasurer Meg Swezey said.


The show named “Ruckus Rave” highlighted the club’s 41 members in a variety of Hip Hop and Step performances.


The show opened with emcee’s Lauren Moran and Emmy Dumaresq who got the full house to cheer on the dancers.


The opening routine featured all of the members with intricate movements and formation changes, the culmination of hours of work throughout the semester.


From there, the dancers would come out from around the curtains with high energy ready to perform each routine. The dances were all choreographed by members of Ruckus.


“All of our dances are choreographed by members of Ruckus. Our half-team dances are choreographed by the eboard and small groups are choreographed by anyone in the club who wants to,” Swezey said.


After around 30 minutes of routines there was a brief intermission with Moran and Dumaresq asking the audience trivia with a t-shirt giveaway. The show quickly picked back up


Nearly every seat in the gym was filled, an energy the dancers said spurred them on.


“I was blown away by the energy of the crowd. Our shows are not like traditional dance recitals where everyone waits to cheer until the end.  The audience was hyping us up throughout all of our dances and it made us feel so confident while we were dancing,” Swezey said.



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