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About The Summit

Established in 1949, The Summit is the independent, student-run newspaper of Stonehill College. The Summit publishes articles online every week, and three print editions are published per semester. The print editions can be found in buildings across campus as well as on our website. The Summit covers all aspects of campus life, including student government, academics, events, and Stonehill's Division 1 athletics. 

Our office is located in Room 104 of the Roche Dining Commons, behind the Student Government Association office. Meetings can be scheduled by emailing 

Opinion Submission Policy:

Opinion piece and guest essay submissions are welcome and can be emailed to Submissions must include the author's full name and should be 500-700 words in length. Opinion submissions should not be defamatory or attack an individual. The Summit reserves the sole discretion of whether to publish a submission or not.


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