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OPINION: Prioritizing myself and why I’m not missing out on the “college experience”

By Elizabeth Ednie

Like everyone else, I had no idea that the virus would still be around today, almost one year since we had begun to quarantine on March 14, 2020. Last March, Stonehill students were long anticipating spring break and a much needed time away from the go, go, go of college life, as I was too. I had spontaneously booked a cruise for my boyfriend and I, so we could get away from the cold New England weather and just spend some time together relaxing, which we both desperately needed. Ironically, this was the last time for a while that people could travel with no consequences or fears of contracting the virus, and we were having the best time. Part of the reason why we had such a great time was that we chose not to purchase the WiFi package, thus had no idea what was happening in the world other than listening to rich old men complain about their stocks and fearing the economy of the country.

And here we are, almost one year later and quarantining yet again. Last Thursday, the College announced that it was switching to remote learning for 10 days due to an increasingly high number of cases for our small school. This decision led most Skyhawks scrambling to figure out if they were going to remain on campus or go home for the period within the six hours between the announcement and the closing of the gates. Not for me, though! I had made the tough decision about two weeks before classes started to become a remote student for the spring semester, and two-ish weeks into classes, I am really happy with my decision. I moved out of my room in the Junior Courts and gave my room at home a makeover with freshly painted walls, a new desk from Big Lots, and some new decor. Deep in my mind, I anticipated that something of this matter was going to happen since cases in Massachusetts had spiked since Christmas break, so I was relieved that I was not on campus when President Denning communicated the decision because I would have been a mess of stress.

It’s a bit weird being home and taking classes; I kind of feel like I am in high school again but with more time on my hands. Don’t worry though, if you know me personally, you would know that I love staying busy and blocking up my time with various activities so that I don’t get bored. I have learned since the beginning of college that when I have less time to complete work I do better in my classes. Filling up my days and planning out my weeks with activities and priorities has given me great time management skills which leads me to get better grades.

With this decision to stay home, I had made a resolution that this year I was going to prioritize myself and do what I needed to do, to make sure that I am the best version of myself. I am implementing this promise by showing up for myself and doing things that make me happy; and not for anyone else but myself. To start, I am waking up every day and doing a workout in my basement with weights I had gotten for Christmas, as well as eating healthy and adding supplements in to make sure I am getting the necessary nutrients I need to help my body (and brain) perform at its best. Working out has always made me feel good, and doing it first thing in the morning gets my head straight and puts me in a good mood for my day ahead. I always feel like I can accomplish so much if I workout in the morning, and it’s true. I got a nannying job three days a week which makes me feel important and valued as a person as well as waitressing a few days. See what I mean? Filling my days up with responsibilities, creating goals for myself, and planning out my days are helping me to become the best I can be.

I am ultimately using this time at home to find what truly makes me happy, and I feel like that can sort of get lost at college with the busyness of it all. Although I love Stonehill and can’t wait to be back in the fall, I am choosing to enjoy my time home with my family while the world is still crazy. This past year has not been normal, which I think validates why being home this semester doesn’t make me feel as if I am missing out on anything going on at school. I am able to spend more time with the people that I love while also prioritizing my physical and mental well being without creating unnecessary stress that I might have had at school during this time. At the end of the day, you have to put yourself first. So why wait?

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